Parks and Recreation Service Area at Cottonwood Heights
In order to manage the operations of Cottonwood Heights Parks and Recreation Service Area (“CHPRSA”), the Board of Trustees has adopted the following rules and regulations. These include guidelines governing the behavior of visitors, patrons, individual users, groups, and members, as well as provisions for denying entry, removing, and/or terminating membership rights or privileges of any individual using CHPRSA-owned or managed facilities and grounds in violation of these terms. The rules and regulations that are periodically enacted and modified by the CHPRSA Board of Trustees must be followed by every individual and/or member who is on the CHPRSA property or using any of the facilities or grounds that the organization owns or manages. Every member acknowledges that these guidelines form a part of their membership contract with the CHPRSA and that all members are obligated to abide by them. The rules and guidelines regulating the CHPRSA grounds and facilities are subject to change at any moment, at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
There are no exchanges or refunds for any passes or admission fees.
zIt is not possible to transfer any membership. Refunds may be granted in line with the Board of Trustees’ published return rules.
- To get the proper wristband for activities inside the Recreation Center, members must show their membership cards each time they visit the CHPRSA Recreation Center. The front desk will be pleased to look up a member up to five times in a membership year if they forget their membership card. A $5.00 cost for a new card will be assessed after this. While taking part in any activity at the Recreation Center, staff members must be able to see your wrist bands. All wristbands may be inspected by CHPRSA officials, who reserve the right to refuse those that are inappropriate for the activity or have been altered in any manner.
- By this reference, all rules appearing on signs placed within facilities and grounds owned or administered by CHPRSA are hereby integrated as part of these rules and regulations, as though they were completely set forth here. All users of any area on CHPRSA-owned or -managed property are subject to these rules and regulations and must abide by them.
- The weight room, cardio, and sauna facilities are only open to those who are 14 years of age or older. The whirlpool is only accessible to those who are eighteen years of age or older.
- Any lost or stolen property, as well as any damage to vehicles, valuables, or personal property, will not be the responsibility of the CHPRSA, its officers, agents, or volunteers.
- The Board of Trustees sets the operating hours for the CHPRSA facilities and grounds, which are subject to periodic modification.
- Not every section of the CHPRSA will be accessible at all times. In the event of scheduled special events, unanticipated circumstances, or facility or grounds closures for necessary repair, no membership extensions or partial refunds will be granted.

- All patrons, members, visitors, and users of the facilities and grounds are expected to behave politely and safely. It is not permitted to use profanity, shout, play loud music, play music with offensive lyrics, or engage in any other rude behavior.
- Members, patrons, visitors, and users of the facilities and grounds are not permitted to act in a way that could cause harassment, annoyance, threats, or injury to any individuals who work for CHPRSA or use its facilities or grounds. Nor are they permitted to act in a way that could make others fear for their safety.
- At all times, participants, patrons, visitors, and users of the facilities and grounds must wear appropriate clothing for the activity. The CHPRSA maintains the authority to specify appropriate clothing.
- No unlawful drug usage, alcohol possession or consumption, or e-cigarette use, vaping, or smoking is permitted on CHPRSA property.
- Children younger than eight years old must be accompanied by an adult who will actively supervise them at all times while they use CHPRSA facilities.
- All children under three years old, as well as those who are not potty trained or reliant on diapers, are required to wear a swim diaper with a plastic covering.
- Any youngster who is five years old or less must be accompanied when swimming by a responsible adult who is at least fourteen years old and can be found in the water within arm’s reach of the child. Any youngster between the ages of 6 and 8 must be escorted by a responsible adult who is actively supervising from the immediate pool area and is at least 14 years old.
- On any property owned or operated by CHPRSA, coaching, teaching, or training for pay in any form is not permitted unless specifically approved in writing by the organization’s management.
- Every CHPRSA membership is subject to examination and validation of the provided correctness of information. Additional costs may apply to some modifications. To confirm the dependents stated on their application, membership applicants might be required to submit a copy of their most recent IRS tax return.
- Holds membership: Membership holds are only authorized for military or medical reasons. The request must be made in writing at least seven days before the desired leave is requested. It is not possible to award membership holds after the deadline has passed. Forms can be accessed online or at the front desk. Any such request for a hold under extraordinary circumstances must be made in writing to the Director.
- The CHPRSA reserves the right to have someone removed from and/or to trespass from the use of the CHPRSA owned or managed facilities and grounds, or any activities or program therein, and/or to terminate the membership of any member if the CHPRSA determines that the person or member is (a) guilty of inappropriate conduct; (b) has violated the CHPRSA rules and regulations; (c) has allowed any person to use his or her membership; (d) fails to pay the required amounts for admission, user fees, dues, or other requirements; (e) steals or damages CHPRSA property, or that of any other member or guest; (f) willfully damages CHPRSA equipment, facilities, or grounds; and (g) refuses to follow the operating procedures, rules and regulations for use of the CHPRSA owned or managed In these situations, law enforcement may remove the terminated person, and the terminated member will receive a written notice of termination along with an explanation of the reasons for the termination. A user or member who has been terminated may appeal to the Board of Trustees over their removal or termination. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the director of CHRPSA. The Board of Trustees will then hear testimony regarding the removal or termination during an appeal hearing. The conditions of removal or termination may be upheld, reversed, or modified by the Board of Trustees as it sees fit in each particular situation.
- Any member’s membership may be terminated by the CHPRSA at any time and for any reason by merely notifying the member in writing of the CHPRSA’s intention to do so. No one will be fired because of their sex, ethnicity, creed, or color. The CHPRSA has the right to deny anyone access to its facilities and grounds and to refuse them service if necessary.